AFM模型(Attentional Factorization Machine)
- 模型原始论文
- 模型架构
- 模型原理
\[ ŷ_{AFM}(x)=ω_0+∑_{i=1}^{n}ω_{i}x_{i}+p^T∑^{n}_{i=1}∑^{n}_{j=i+1}a_{ij}(v_i⊙v_j)x_ix_j \]
相对FM,AFM引入attention-based pooling,其学习出来的参数值用于判断不同特征之间交互的重要性。模型案例
\[ \text{(非零)特征集:}\chi \]
\[ \text{(非零)特征的embeding输出:}\varepsilon = \left \{ v_ix_i \right \}_{i\in \chi } \]
\[ \widehat{y}_{FM}(X)=W_0+\sum_{i=1}^n w_ix_i+\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=i+1}^n \widehat{w}_{ij}x_ix_j \text{(1)} \]pair-wise interaction layer(It expands m vectors to m(m − 1)/2 interacted vectors):
\[ f_{PI}(\varepsilon )=\left \{ v_i \odot v_jx_ix_j \right \}_{i,j \in R_x }\text{(2)} \]\[ \text{这里}R_x=\left \{ (i,j) \right \}_{i \in \chi ,j \in \chi,j>i } \]
the attention network is defined as :
\[ \acute{a_{ij}}=h^TReLU(W(v_i \odot v_j)x_ix_j+b),a_{ij}= \frac{exp(\acute{a_{ij}})}{\displaystyle \sum_{(i,j) \in R_x}exp(\acute{a_{ij}})}(5) \]\[ \text{这里}w \in R^{t*k},b \in R^t,h \in R^t,\text{t代表注意力网络隐藏层大小,k是注意力网络输出向量维度大小} \]
\[ ŷ_{AFM}(x)=ω_0+∑_{i=1}^{n}ω_{i}x_{i}+p^T∑^{n}_{i=1}∑^{n}_{j=i+1}a_{ij}(v_i⊙v_j)x_ix_j \]
\[ \Theta =\left \{ w_0, \left \{ w_i \right \}_{i=1}^n,\left \{ v_i \right \}_{i=1}^n ,P,W,b,h \right \} \]论文要点
We point out that in these methods(e.g WDL,DCN), feature interactions are implicitly captured by a deep neural network, rather than FM that explicitly models each interaction as the inner product of two features. As such, these deep methods are not interpretable, as the contribution of each feature interaction is unknown.By directly extending FM with the attention mechanism that learns the importance of each feature interaction, our AMF is more interpretable and empirically demonstrates superior performance over Wide&Deep and DeepCross.
RQ1 How do the key hyper-parameters of AFM (i.e., dropout on feature interactions and regularization on the attention network) impact its performance?
分别在开源数据机调参Dropout率和L2正则系数RQ2 Can the attention network effectively learn the importance of feature interactions?
对比只训练embeding和只训练attention networkRQ3 How does AFM perform as compared to the state-of-theart methods for sparse data prediction?